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P. O. Box 64 - 80302, TAVETA
24/7 Customer Support
P. O. Box 64 - 80302, TAVETA
A very successful strategic alliance for TATABA in recent months has been a project assignment through CESO-SACO Canada. The project focused on increasing the participation end economic empowerment of women and youth in the banana value chain. One outcome of the project was the delivery of Financial Literacy seminars to women and youth, nominated from the wards in Taita Taveta.
The initial training was conducted by CESO’s Strategic Advisor,
Elizabeth Rose, and was very well-received by 20 women and 15 youth, covering 6 modules of training over two days respectively. In addition, local facilitators from TATABA were trained and provided with materials and equipment in order for them to continue to offer the training to other women and youth in the area.
The training was greatly valued by TATABA’s Board of Management who expressed their appreciation to CESO.
When TATABA was registered in 2018 a new board was elected with the mandate of making the cooperative vibrant.